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It is not how much we have,

but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

s0rry s0 l0ng nEver uPdatE.. c0z veRi sian.. laZy typE.. hahAs.. t0day wad happEn aRs.. eRm.. lEt me thinK.. oh yA!! yEsterday mY m0ther bUy thE "tamAg0tchi c0nnEction" f0r me.. s0 fun t0 play l0rs.. cAn givE biRth dEs.. mE and my frEn want t0 makE it givE biRth.. s0 fun.. can't waiT t0 seE it givE biRth.. kEkes.. thAn t0day mE and my frEn kEep on plAying.. shE even darE play duRing chinEse lEsson loRs.. thAn t0day got pRacticE the b0x-a-sizE.. dunn0 how t0 spEll lorS.. thAn on thE 31/8 can wEar own cl0thes.. but mUst paY m0nEy!! s0 unrEasonablE.. s0 i tAt day dun wan g0 sko0l.. kEkes.. on thAt day i als0 mUst g0 on stagE lEad thE wholE sko0l.. i thAn dun wan l0rs.. haiZ.. n0w liStening t0 my stElla cd.. n0thing lEr.. too-de-loos..!!

It's a blessing,
8:06 AM

Friday, August 13, 2004

OMG!! yEstErday wEnt t0 wild wiLd wEt wiF my mUm, siS, ahyI, baBy c0usin, anD hEr maid.. s0 fUn l0rs.. lEft mY h0usE at b0ut 5 likE thAt.. thEn wEnt t0 my mUm cAr..and guEss wad!? hEr caR battEry flat.. s0 n0t fatEd.. hAhas.. wE rEachEd thEre likE 5.45!! anD whEn wE rEach thEre wE realisEd that 0n wEdnEsday thEy cl0se at 7..s0 siCk l0rs...anywaE.. i sAt thE "UlaR la". s0 dam fUn canS.. fEel likE g0ing agaiN.. but i n0w fEel likE g0ing t0 eScapE siT "raiNb0w".... omg! s0 fUn.. kEkes. thEn my m0thEr als0 l0st hEr favouRtE piN.. s0 uNlucky l0rs.. haiZ.. my mUm sh0uld bE vEri sad.. thAt pin haS bEen wiF hEr f0r al0t oF yEars l0rs.. s0 sad.. camE baCk h0me.. watChEd tV.. s0 stUpid l0r thE sh0w.. bUt thE judgEs vEri sick..at nigHt watCh thE concErt at maRina bay thEres.. wantEd t0 g0 on thAt day l0rs. bUt din gEt t0 g0.. anywaE als0 vEri cr0wdEd.. -hatE crowdEd placEs- anywaE.. t0k bout t0day.. had chinEse tEst t0day.. thEn my tEachEr t0ld mE cluE f0r thE w0rd i wRitE wr0ngly.. in thE end i g0t all c0rrect!! hAhas.. n0thing lEr l0rs.. s0 boring! ta-ta.. f0rgEt t0 tEll u.. thiS satUrday mY PSLE oRal.. g0d!! wiSh mE g00d lUck agaiNs!! thankS!!

It's a blessing,
7:03 AM

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

yEsterday nati0nal dAy!!thE nati0naL day sh0w s0 dam b0ring l0rs.. my tEachEr still say veRi nicE.. thEn onli g0t lin jUn jiE comE.. aniwaEs.. mY dad b0ught nEw ph0ne yEsterday.. hE b0ught thE nEw n0kia fonE.. thE 7610.. s0 dam nicE l0rs.. bUt vEri hEavy.. thE camEra vEri clEar lehS.. n0w mi baBy c0usin at mi h0use.. shE vEri iRritatiNg lEhs.. kEep 0n wEaring mY sh0E thEn walk ar0und.. evEn wEar my m0ther'S higH hEels sh0e.. hahAs.. bUt s0metimEs shE dam cUte l0rs.. n0w wAiting f0r my m0thEr t0 comE homE.. whEn shE c0me homE i g0ing t0 aiRp0rt eat "sake suShi".. dunn0 whEther i spEll coRrectly n0ts.. anywaEs.. t0morrow g0ing baCk t0 skool lia0s.. vEri sian lEhs.. hAiz!! nVm.. at lEast can sEe mi fRens! n0thing lEr.. bb! ta-ta!!

It's a blessing,
7:36 AM

Sunday, August 08, 2004

y0z.. f0rgEt t0 tEll u thAt i sAw chErly f0x at faR eaSt 0n fRiday.. shE veRi prEtty l0rs.. kEkes.. and i thinK shE spEnd like halF and h0ur in a sh0p.. thEn likE eveRyb0dy attEnd t0 her l0rs.. s0 c0ol.. hahAs.. jUst sEe my siS do hEr bl0g.. s0 dam bl0ody nicE l0rs!!!! l0vE it! aSk hEr hElp mE d0 also... hahAs.. s0 nicE l0rs.. OMG!! anYwaEs.. jUst n0w i wEnt t0 faR eaSt.. atE chiCken ricE.. s0 yUmmy... mMmm!! kEkes. aFter thAt wEnt t0 takE piCturE wiF my siSter.. thEn sh0p sh0p aRound.. b0ught thiS pumP shoE.. grEen c0lour dE.. aFter thAt camE baCk f0r tUiti0n.. oH ya! my fathEr t0day g0od mo0d againS.. bougHt thiS diam0nd bracelEt f0r mi muM.. s0 g0od ritEs.. n0w alonE at homE.. s0 lonEly.. waitiNg f0r my mAid t0 c0me baCk.. latEr " xi ling men" laSt episode.. aFter that g0t " d0u zhEn jU lE bU" sh0w.. 5566 de.. dam nicE l0r thE sh0w.. lo0king f0rwaRd t0 thE show.. n0thing lErs.. ta-ta!! carE t0 l0ok at mi sistErs blog! jUst clicK my linkS.. hErs is undEr "kErker"...byE!!!

It's a blessing,
9:06 PM

Saturday, August 07, 2004
nati0naL day!!!

yEah!! t0day cEleabRate nati0nal daY!! s0 fuN..my claSs waS supp0se t0 liFt up thE spiritS f0r thE wholE sk00l.. wE weRe staNding at thE thiRd flooR that chEering.. thEn whEn wE singiNg thE s0ng thaT timE my tEacheR say mUst liFt uP ouR handS.. thEn th0se hU nEver raiSe uP shE will tiCklE.. hAhas.. thEn thEy givE us strEamerS t0 shakE.. thEn i aCcdEntally dr0p onE d0wn.. kEkEs..aFter sk0ol wEnt t0 faR eaSt wiF pRis and maRilyn.b0ught thiS nEw "my mElody" wallEt.. l0ve it s0 mUch loRs.. wE to0k picturEs t0o..aftEr that walkEd t0 hEreEn.. walK s0 daM faR lorS.. walk till lEg tiRed..whEn rEach thEre quEne uP t0 buy thE cRepe.. wait till s0 loNg l0rs.. bUt my frEn tReated me.. aFter thAt wEnt t0 cinEplex.. g0 to thE sh0p "morE than w0rdS".. bought thiS "cinnam0ntaiL" kEychaiN.. hang 0n hP dE.. s0 cutE l0rs.. aftEr that walk baCk t0 thE mRt stati0n.. on thE way wEnt t0 7 elEven..aFter thAt t0ok mRt baCk t0 simEi.. fr0m eaStp0int waLk baCk homE.. s0 tiRing.. t0day i waLk al0t l0rs.. s0 tirEd.. guEss i will slEep eaRly t0nighT.. ta-ta!!!

It's a blessing,
9:29 AM

Friday, August 06, 2004

hEllo.. t0day i g0t injEction l0rs.. n0t thAt paiN.. bUt n0w g0t sidE eFfect.. veri tirEd and nUmb.. hUrhurS.. t0morr0w nati0naL day! can wEar anythiNg g0 sk0ol.. s0 fUn.. evEry timE can wEar ouR owN clothEs i will saY "vEri fUn" onEs.. hahAs..aFter injEcti0n wEnt baCk t0 clasS.. wait a wHile thaN g0 rEmidiaL.. diN g0 f0r chinEse rEmidial c0z haNd tirEd.. hahAs.. n0w t0king..t0morr0w wEaring mi flarE skiRt.. hahAs.. havE a pr0blEm.. that is.... wad shoE t0 wEar.. dunn0 larS.. latEr mi siS g0ing t0 buy c0nvErsE shoE f0R mE.. thEn t0m0rrow wEar.. YEAH! finiallY can gEt mi convErsE sh0e.. n0thing lia0 larS... s0 long! farEwell! hahaS.. ta-ta!!

It's a blessing,
8:32 AM

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

yEsterday i nEver uPdatE.. acCtually i g0t dE.. bUt thEn duNno wad i pResS thEn thE wholE pagE all g0ne.. thEn i dun fEel likE typiNg agaiN.. hahAs..anywaEs.. i t0k bouT yEsterdAy fiRst kaEs.. yEsterday waS mi c0mpo examS. thE chinEse waS likE s0 haRd.. dunn0 h0w t0 wRite al0t oF wordS.. kEkEs. my engliSh ok laRs.. n0t that bad..ok.. b0ut t0day..n0thing larS..stayEd baCk wait f0r mi siS.. stayEd baCk wiF... pRis. caL. nat. thEn wE play fivE st0nes.. thEn whEn g0 wait f0r mi fathEr thAt timE wEnt b0ok shoP bUy fivE stonE f0r mysElf.. hahAs.. haiz.. t0day g0t al0t oF hw lEhs.. s0 sian.. i noE i typE vEri sh0rt.. nothinG t0 typE laRs.. bB.. waN g0 d0 hw lErs.. ta-ta!!!!!

It's a blessing,
8:00 AM

Monday, August 02, 2004

hEllo.. jUst n0w wEnt t0 sUntEc.. b0ught nEw cd!! liN juN jiE cd.. hahAs.. thEn my siS and mUm likE bougHt quitE al0t oF thingS fr0m mang0.. my mUm als0 bougHt thiS shiRt fr0m tHis sh0p callEd " j0jo" 0R somEthing.. it is likE $126! mi and my sIs waS likE...! i tHink shE a bit mad.. aNywaEs.. whEn i walKing baCk.. say tHis pErson wEaring thE samE t-shiRt as mE!! lUcky n0t wEaring samE col0ur as me!! OMG!! s0 pai sEi canS!! hahas.. camE baCk.. haD tUiti0n.. acCtually supp0sE t0 bE 2 houRs.. bUt oNli 1 and a halF houRs.. dUnno y mY dad t0day s0 g0od.. kEkes.. wiSh hE eveRy wEek likE that oNes.. wEnt t0 fiNd mi convErse sh0e bUt duN havE lEhs..s0 sad l0rs.. hUr huR!! nVm.. caN finD agaiN nExt timE.. aFter finiSh thiS g0ing t0 mi aHyi housE eat baN mian.. yUmmy!! hAhas.. t0morr0w mi c0mpo exaMs lEhs.. s0 faSt l0rs.. wiSh mE g0od lUck agaiN kaEs..! hahAs.. ta-ta!!! =p.

It's a blessing,
8:21 AM

Sunday, August 01, 2004

yEah.. 0ral ovEr leRs.. n0t say vEri bad laRs.. eNglish eaSy bUt chinEse i dUnn0 h0w t0 say al0t oF thingS l0rs.. hopE thE cHinesE tEacheR nevEr faiL mE.. -wiShing-. kEkeS..! bUt n0w pRelim 0ral ovEr thEn nExt muSt wait f0r PSLE oRal.. sHit laRs.. aNywaEs.. jUst changE mi bl0g sKin.. veRi cUtE ritEs.. hahaS.. likE s0 bHb.. hahaS.. vEri hapPy lEhs.. dunn0 y.. kEep on laUghing.. mayB latEr g0ing t0 bUy c0nvErsE sh0e.. bUt is wHite col0uR sk0ol shoE.. i waNt thE othEr typE g0t pattErn waNt als0 l0rs.. bUT dUn tHink my dAd w0n't buy f0r mE s0 many.. nvM.. nExt timE i aSk hiM bUy f0r mE.. kEkEs.. oh yA! jUst n0w whEn t0 policE stati0n lEhs.. wiF mi siSter.. hahAs..thEn thEy put 0n thE do0r " plEasE 0pen gEntly" thEn thE p0licE thEre all opEn untiL s0 r0ugh l0rs.. s0 iRritating.. s0 n0isy!!! n0thing leR larS.. mayB t0m0rrow won't bE uPdating.. ta-ta!!!!

It's a blessing,
6:49 AM